Queen Hortense (Hortense de Beauharnais)

Hortense de Beauharnais (1783-1837), consort of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, a younger brother of Napoleon. Daughter of Alexandre, vicomte de Beauharnais and the future Empress Joséphine; thus, also a stepdaughter of Napoleon. Married in 1802; the union, though unhappy, produced three sons, one of whom became Emperor Napoleon III, before it ended in separation in 1810. Had an affair with the comte de Flahaut, giving birth to a son, later the duc de Morny, in 1811. Created duchesse de Saint-Leu by King Louis XVIII in 1814, when Napoleon was exiled, but banished in 1815 for supporting him upon his return. Lived in Switzerland for the rest of her life.

Figure 1.1. François Gérard (French), Hortense, echtgenote van Koning Lodewijk Napoleon, 1807, Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam, Amsterdam, source: Wikimedia Commons.


Court trains

Figure 1.2. Maker unknown, Court train, 1809-10, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 19760, source: Centraal Museum.

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