Coronation of Tsar Paul I and Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia, 1797

The coronation of Tsar Paul I (1754-1801) and his consort, Empress Maria Feodorovna (1759-1828), took place on April 16 (April 5, Old Style), 1797 at the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Figure 5.1. Martin Ferdinand Quadal, The Coronation of Paul I and Maria Feodorovna (detail), 1799, Alexander Radischev Museum, Saratov, source: The Virtual Russian Museum.

Empress Maria Feodorovna’s coronation ensemble

The bodice

Figure 5.2. Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, Ceremonial Portrait of Maria Feodorovna (Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg), 1799, The Peterhof State-Museum Reserve, St. Petersburg, source: Культура.РФ.
Figure 5.3. Maker unknown, Bodice with Breast-Piece and Train of Coronation Dress of Empress Maria Fyodorovna, 1796, brocade, batiste, taffeta, lace, silver threads, sequins, filé, Moscow Kremlin Museums, Moscow, Тк-3088/1-2, source: Moscow Kremlin Museums.

The shoes

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